Wednesday 4 February 2009

Pure misery

I'm currently reading a book from Bartholomaeus Grill: "Ach, Afrika Berichte aus dem inneren eines Kontinents (~Oh, Africa Reports from a continent's interior) and today I read the chapter about the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. However, that's not the only reason I chose that heading.
Some of you might be under the impression that I am purely enjoying myself over here. Although that is mostly true, there are some downs, that I will tell you about now. So if you want to keep the impression that Africa is a paradise, please skip this post!
The worst thing I have experienced so far is the medical service over here. I would advise anybody not to get sick over here, but since that's not so simple, I would advise to seek European medical help if you fall sick. I have had an infection for 4 weeks now, which the doctors from the next town have been unable to diagnose ad thus treat. So after 3 weeks I decided to seek medical help in a private hospital in Accra. Although they seemed to be able to diagnose it, they have not been able to treat it properly. So yesterday I went back to Accra, but with the determination to seek a German doctor. Since the German regional doctor from the German embassy is in Germany at the moment, I had to telephone around until I ended up going to a German gynaecologist (which I never even dreamed of doing before). Hopefully, it will get better now, but there is a small chance that I will have to go to Europe for 2 weeks or so. (This is one of the reasons why I haven't written anything in the last two weeks and it is the only reason for the crashing of my travel plans last weekend, the Saturday before and this weekend).
Secondly, I must admit my own hypocracy. You might remember, that I made fun of some people wearing jackets, because they think it's cold. Well, I caught a cold two days after writing that.
Thirdly, the strenght of the GBP seems to oscillate. For most of you that might not have a big impact, but for me that can be horrible. With the normal exchange rate at about 1.9 Ghana cedi to the British pound, I was devastated when I saw that the exchange rate had dropped to 1.75. I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it made me loose 20-3o pounds and I would have lost considerably more had it not gone back up by now. (For reference: 20-30 GBP is 40-55 Ghana cedi which is worth one weekend of travelling or about 5 weeks of not travelling).
Fourthly, Ghana has a garbage problem, caused by the lack of a garbage disposal service. People either burn the litter in front of their house or just drop it on the streets, which causes terrible stenches in the gutter. So walking on the side of the road is not always very pleasant.
Fifthly, I do get the occasional urges for something specific from home, for example while listening to Vertigo from U2 I had the sudden urge to play electric guitar.
Last but not least, and probably the most annoying thing is the Oburoni calls, I talked about in an earlier post. That can really get on your nerves, especially when you're in a bad mood. There are times when I just want to show my two fingers and say :"Fuck you!"
For now I'll stop the moaning and get on with writing about my experiences.

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