Saturday 17 January 2009

A few things about home

Ghana is a noisy country and everybody has got his radio turned on, which consists 50% of advertisement and 40% of noise and shouting from the presenter and 10% of proper music.
So you might sometimes think there's a big party going on when actually there's just a woman washing some clothes while listening to the radio.
They don't understand the question "Do you mind, if...?" which is why I have to learn to ask directly "Can I...? or something similar.
I still don't have a clue, who is related to whom at my compound. There are a few families with lots of children, most of which just live nearby and just come over.
When Ghanaians talk (between themselves, not with me), they usualy talk Twinglish over here. Similar to Denglish, only I don't understand half the conversation


Dominic J. Melchior said...

So twinglish is a combination of English and their native tribe language? just like when we mix English with German? :-)
Next time, write something about the temperatures and everything... that'd be interesting too. Enjoy reading the blog. Come back alive! :-)

Simon said...

yes, that's exactly what I meant.
The weather is very nice;)