Friday 2 January 2009

Project details

Accommodation: Room in a compound house
Where: Akim Akroso, a village in the Eastern Region (That's the name of the region, it doesn't actually cover the eastern part of Ghana due to the historical formation of Ghana)
You can see where the village is, if you search for "Akroso" in google maps
Host family: 6 children, 2 girls, 4 boys
There are no communication centres in the Town, so I won't be able to phone anybody, unless I go to Accra or a nearby city
My living conditions will be very, very different. They have no shower, a pit as a toilet, a local fire/ coal pot for cooking and a borehole for drinking water. At least they have electricity and guaranteed running water. Seriously looking forward to that...

Akroso Salvatio Army Primary/JSS (It was established by the Salvation Army, but it is now run by the government)
Work duties: Teaching English and Mathematics (Very keen to do the second one, not quite as much entusiasm for the first one)
Also I'll be helping with extra curricular activities, e.g. sports
The school has got about 100 pupils and 8 members of staff and no volunteers so far
I can have any off time I want and there's about a month of holidays => Lots and lots of travelling
Apart from the official language of Ghana, English, the local language Twi is spoken.
I do hope to come back from Ghana being able to speak a few sentences in Twi:)


Dominic J. Melchior said...

Sounds very interesting... I'm definately looking forward to reading more about your time in Ghana on here...

So do you wanna travel around Ghana only, or other countries in Africa too?

Simon said...

Possibly Togo for a week or two, but my main focus is on Ghana